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The Third International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2020)
28 / 01 2020
The Third International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2020)
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 27 of April–1 of May 2020
Participation and publication are free of charge
Important dates:
Paper submission – 20.03.2020
Paper acceptance – 05.04.2019
Camera-ready paper – 19.04.2019
Presentation file – 24.04.2019
Organized by the National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" (Department of Software Tools)
Address: Zhukovsky str., 64, Zaporizhzhia, 69063, Ukraine
– Information Systems and Technologies in Data Mining, Decision Support, Signal and Image Processing;
– IT for Computer Modeling;
– Artificial Intelligence (Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence (Neural Networks, Fuzzy and Hybrid Systems, Intelligent Optimization and Search), Knowledge-based Systems);
– ICT Applications for Engineering, Medicine and Education.
Paper formatting: Papers in English of 10–15 pages as MS Word 2003 .doc files in Springer LNCS format: with appropriate list of references formatted according to the Springer rules:
The authors in the paper should give meaningful affiliations, which include the author's organization, country, and email and ORCID (
Paper example:
Paper submission: Papers should be submitted in Easy Chair system:
For each paper authors should print, fill, manually sign and scan the Author Agreement
For each paper authors should fill the Registration Form submitting scan of filled and signed Author Agreement
Publishing and indexing: The Proceedings of the Workshop shall be submitted for online publication as a separate volume of CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Aachen, Germany, ISSN 1613-0073), indexed by the Scopus and DBLP.
The selected papers should be recommended for submission to the journal "Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control" (, ISSN 1607-3274 (print), 2313-688X (on-line)) indexed in Web of Science.
The Third International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2020)
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 27 of April–1 of May 2020
Participation and publication are free of charge
Important dates:
Paper submission – 20.03.2020
Paper acceptance – 05.04.2019
Camera-ready paper – 19.04.2019
Presentation file – 24.04.2019
Organized by the National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" (Department of Software Tools)
Address: Zhukovsky str., 64, Zaporizhzhia, 69063, Ukraine
– Information Systems and Technologies in Data Mining, Decision Support, Signal and Image Processing;
– IT for Computer Modeling;
– Artificial Intelligence (Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence (Neural Networks, Fuzzy and Hybrid Systems, Intelligent Optimization and Search), Knowledge-based Systems);
– ICT Applications for Engineering, Medicine and Education.
Paper formatting: Papers in English of 10–15 pages as MS Word 2003 .doc files in Springer LNCS format: with appropriate list of references formatted according to the Springer rules:
The authors in the paper should give meaningful affiliations, which include the author's organization, country, and email and ORCID (
Paper example:
Paper submission: Papers should be submitted in Easy Chair system:
For each paper authors should print, fill, manually sign and scan the Author Agreement
For each paper authors should fill the Registration Form submitting scan of filled and signed Author Agreement
Publishing and indexing: The Proceedings of the Workshop shall be submitted for online publication as a separate volume of CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Aachen, Germany, ISSN 1613-0073), indexed by the Scopus and DBLP.
The selected papers should be recommended for submission to the journal "Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control" (, ISSN 1607-3274 (print), 2313-688X (on-line)) indexed in Web of Science.
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Author : лариса2 |
Views : 3169
Всеукраїнсьий конкурс студентських наукових робіт з галузей знань і спеціальностей у 2019/2020 навчальному році
01 / 10 2019
Відповідно до наказу МОН від 04.10.2019 р. № 1271 оголошено проведення Всеукраїнського конкурсу студентських наукових робіт з галузей знань і спеціальностей у 2019/2020 навчальному році.
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Views : 4545